Technical Studies for 2401 Burnside Road

BC Transit is committed to undertaking all necessary permitting and studies required by Town of View Royal land-use regulations and bylaws.

These studies were prepared for a previous application in 2018. Since that time BC Transit has been reviewing and refining their site plans based on Town and public feedback. The site concept that was used to inform these studies is being revised. Where necessary, new studies will be completed.


Studies for
2401 Burnside Road
Archaeological Overview Assessment (currently being reviewed by First Nations)October 2017 Stantec Consulting Ltd.The Archaeological Overview Assessment provides a high-level overview of known and potential archaeological constraints for the study area. This assessment provides an overview of three previously recorded archaeological sites completed in 1995.Recommendations: An Archaeological Impact Assessment (AIA) is recommended to evaluate the significance and extent of three locations and to identify if other archaeological sites are present within the study area.Further Action: An Archaeological Impact Assessment was completed in April 2018
Archaeological Impact Assessment (currently being reviewed by First Nations)April 2018Stantec Consulting Ltd. This next level of investigation is an Archaeological Impact Assessment, a permitted field study conducted according to Provincial Standards and methods. It allows an archaeologist to shovel test the study area to examine locations with potential for buried archaeological sites and allows collection of artifacts. It offers a higher level of confidence that archaeological resources, if present will be detected and a higher level of precision in identification of the archaeological constraints. This study was undertaken to assess the potential conflict between the proposed development and archaeological resources and recommend options for managing potential adverse impacts to any sites. Recommendations:Site avoidance is recommended for three locations identified in the AOA. The remainder of the site is considered to have low archaeological potential. Construction monitoring if/where development depth call for soil disturbance to a depth exceeding 1 metre below surface in areas covered by construction fill within 30 metres of Craigflower Creek. First Nations communities should be engaged regarding the sites.Further Action: Further assessment is recommended if the development boundary expands to include areas of moderate to high archaeological potential. Engage with First Nations communities for further discussion and review of Archaeological Impact Assessment. Have an archaeological construction monitoring plan in place including protocols for chance finds or the identification of archaeological evidence exposed during construction.


Studies for
2401 Burnside Road
Geotechnical Summary Report January 2018 WSP Canada Inc The Geotechnical Summary Report outlines the physical properties of soil and rock around a site to inform the design of excavation and foundations for proposed structures and for repair of distress to earthworks and will include surface and subsurface exploration. The testing occurred in five (5) test pits. In general, the test pits encountered fill material including reworked natural fill and construction waste. Generally, native soil was not encountered. Recommendation: Further geotechnical investigation work is required to determine the extent of fill within the site, characterize the soil conditions, and obtain geotechnical design parameters that will inform civil and structural design of the facilities. Further Action: Additional geotechnical work will be undertaken once the final site layout is confirmed.
Subsequent Site Soil Sampling October 2018 Stantec Consulting Ltd. Additional soil sampling at the site was conducted to delineate the extent of cobalt and nickel contamination that had been found during the Phase 2 ESA. The previously identified soil contamination is considered to be an isolated issue, and not representative of a larger or site-wide condition. Recommendation: Stantec recommended no further investigation is required. Further Action: A small amount of soil excavated from the location of contamination be disposed of at an approved facility once site development starts.
Geotechnical Investigation Report (February 2021)Golder and Associates investigated the geotechnical subsurface conditions and preliminary design considerations for handyDART centre at 2401 Burnside Road.

Traffic and Fleet

Studies for
2401 Burnside Road
Traffic Impact Study April 2018 WSP Canada Inc A traffic impact study was carried out to determine the impacts of the proposed development on the pre-existing transportation system, establish the additional traffic generated by the proposed development, and discuss mitigation measures, if required. It was completed prior to the signalization of the intersection at Watkiss Way and Burnside Road. Further Action: A new Traffic Impact Study is being completed. The report should be available spring 2020.
Traffic Impact StudyFollowing the first traffic study completed in 2018, prior to changes to the intersection changes introduced at Watkiss Way and Burnside Road, WSP updated the study to consider the changes in traffic patterns and intersection operations due to intersection upgrade and the opening of the Highway 1/McKenzie Interchange to the east. The study found that intersection of Burnside Road West and Highway 1 Westbound off-ramp and the intersection of Watkiss Way and Burnside Road operate acceptably during both a.m. and p.m. peak hours on opening day and at full build-out in 25 years. With the handyDART facility in place and at full buildout, the overall Watkiss Way/Burnside Road intersection delay will increase by an average of two seconds per vehicle.
Request for Interest – Battery Operated busesBC Transit is seeking information from transit vehicle providers regarding technical specifications and other information that would support planning for and deploying light duty battery electric buses. BC Transit is also looking to establish the capabilities and market readiness of manufacturers to provide light duty transit vehicles to BC Transit.


Studies for
2401 Burnside Road
Noise Impact Assessment April 2018 BKL Consultants Ltd. A noise impact assessment is performed to examine the potential noise generated from future operations, its significance relative to local regulatory limits, impacts on neighbouring residences, and recommended solutions to ensure the facility is in compliance. The study predicted that an adverse noise impact of 7dba above background noise at one neighbouring location due to exhaust purging noise made by diesel buses and the very low ambient background noise. Several noise mitigation measures were proposed. Recommendation: Since this assessment was completed, BC Transit has confirmed the fleet will be gasoline and electric thereby eliminating the adverse noise impact of the purging noise (diesel buses only). A quieter backup beeper has also been identified to further mitigate noise impact. Additionally, BC Transit is exploring a site layout on the SW corner of the property (original site layout proposed the NE Corner) to move the noise and activity further away from the residents. Further Action: An updated Noise Impact Assessment is underway and will be available in Spring 2020.
2021 handyDART noise impact studyA second noise impact study was conducted to assess the second building location (near the highway) being considered. The study performed baseline and existing facility noise measurements, predicted noise levels from potential new noise sources, and performed an impact assessment at the nearest residences using best practice criteria. Based on the noted assumptions and inputs, the study concluded the proposed Victoria handyDART Centre will likely have no adverse impact.


Studies for
2401 Burnside Road
Air Quality Potential local air quality impacts were assessed by PGL Environmental Consultants in April 2021. The study concluded that the new facility and fleet, at opening day and full build-out, is not anticipated to result in any measurable changes to ambient air quality or exceed applicable BC Ambient Air Quality Objectives.


Studies for
2401 Burnside Road
Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Sept 2017 WSP Canada Inc. Recommendation: A sub-surface investigation in the form of a Phase 2 Environmental Assessment is recommended at the site to identify on and off-site areas of potential environmental concerns. Further Action: A Phase 2 Environmental Assessment was conducted in May 2018.
Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment Phase 2 Soil Assessment May 2018 Stantec Consulting Ltd. Phase 2 of an environmental site assessment is performed to assess the potential soil contaminants of concern identified in Phase 1 assessment. This assessment builds on what was identified in Phase l. Issues explored included concentration of arsenic, chromium, cobalt and nickel within the soil. No further groundwater investigation was recommended. Recommendation: Stantec recommended subsequent soil sampling to delineate identified metals contamination in soil in one location on the site. Further Action: Stantec returned to site to collect shallow soil samples.
Riparian Areas Assessment October 2017 Stantec Consulting Ltd. A Riparian Areas Assessment is necessary when the development site exists on or near a fish habitat. This assessment was performed to determine the Streamside Protection Enhancement Area (SPEA) for the three watercourse present. Craigflower Creek is known to be fish bearing, with provincial records of Coho salmon, two forms of Cutthroat trout among others. The SPEA was determined following the detailed assessment methods established by Schedule 1 of the Riparian Areas Regulation (RAR) under the Riparian Areas Protection Act. This was not a RAR report, only a determination of SPEA. Recommendation: A full RAR report including danger tree assessments, windthrow, slope stability, tree protection during construction, encroachment and sediment and erosion control will need to be completed. Further Action: A full Riparian Areas Regulation (RAR) detailed assessment, an environmental management plan suitable for planning and permitting project stages, and a Fisheries Act Request for Review is underway in Spring 2020.
Streamside Protection and Enhancement Areas Technical Study Description: A Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) oversees and advises on the best approach to design of measures to ensure environmental protection, mitigation and restoration. Four watercourses have been identified on-site and corresponding streamside protection and enhancement areas (SPEA) have been confirmed. Recommendation: Stantec, the Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP), has outlined the following setbacks to protect habitat from development onsite. Further Action: Follow recommendations outlined by Qualified Environmental Professional. SPEA setbacks will inform the preliminary site design and the Town of View Royal Environmental Development Permit application.
Burnside handyDART Facility – Habitat AssessmentStantec has prepared this habitat assessment report on behalf of BC Transit to support environmental permitting (i.e., Fisheries Act and Water Sustainability Act) for the proposed handyDART facility. The results of desktop reviews and site visits indicate that the project area provides habitat for vegetation including deciduous and coniferous trees, shrubs, wetland plants and at least one invasive species. There is also overlap between the project area and an area of proposed critical habitat for western painted turtle and overlap with the ranges of seventeen species listed on Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act, although there are no documented occurrences within the project area. Two of the four watercourses provide potential fish habitat and one juvenile Coho was observed during a site visit at the Craigflower Creek.
Stream RealignmentThe diagram outlines the planned realignment and restoration of the seasonal stream that exists on the property.
Riparian Area Protection ReportThis Report prescribes site-specific setback distances, conditions of development, and plantings. It was completed by Stantec, a Qualified Environmental Professional.
Construction Environmental Management Plan The Construction Environmental Management Plan describes the Project, outlines the regulatory context, and provides a series of site-specific Best Management Practices (BMPs) applicable to the proposed construction work. These practices will be applied by a Contractor as overseen by the independent Environmental Monitor assigned to the Project.
Lower Craigflower Creek: Proper Functioning Condition Assessment December 2021Provides a snapshot of the current condition of a portion of Craigflower Creek in and around the BC Transit handyDART site. The purpose is to provide a baseline assessment of creek conditions and to support sound land-use decisions that protect or enhance creek function.

Stormwater and Site servicing

Studies for
2401 Burnside Road
Stormwater Mgmt Plan (July 2021) The stormwater management plan for the handyDART Transit Centre outlines the proposed storm system to convey runoff from the proposed development and provide suitable water quality prior to discharge.
Site service plans (July 2021)

Landscaping and Trees

Birds and Wildlife

Studies for
2401 Burnside Road
Wildlife Assessment November 2017 Stantec Consulting Ltd. No occurrence records of rare plants, provincially listed ecosystems, invasive species or wildlife species at risk were identified within the study area. Recommendation: Project design should preserve the presence of high value habitat in the riparian areas and wetland adjacent to Craigflower Creek and the mature forest in the Northeast corner of the study area. Further recommendation was to position the construction footprint outside the Natural Watercourse and Shoreline Areas. Further Action: Adopt best industry practice and incorporate recommendations during the design and construction process.
Birds Nest Survey September 2020 Golder Associates Inc. Nineteen geotechnical locations were surveyed for birds and nesting/breeding activity. No bird nests were observed within the survey area and no raptor nests were observed within 100m of the survey area. No provincially or federally listed threatened, vulnerable or at risk avian species were observed. Recommendation: Retain existing habitats and features to the extent possible. Where possible, retain groups of trees, hedgerows and shrubby thickets while minimizing clearing and vegetation removal. Only clear the minimum amount required to conduct investigative activities. Further Action: Follow recommendations outlined in study and if nesting activity is observed or suspected, vegetation clearing will be suspended and a qualified wildlife biologist consulted.
Bird Survey at proposed handyDart site This survey was carried out by both stationary observation and walking the area noting all avian species seen and heard. The purpose was to identify species that are using the site during the winter months.
Salmon Safe CertificationBC Transit’s new handyDART Centre in View Royal has been certified as Vancouver Island’s first “Salmon Safe” site. The site has been recognized for excellence in water conservation, stormwater management and restoration of a stream that runs into the salmon-bearing Craigflower Creek. Certification of the site was granted by the non-profit Fraser Basin Council and its Salmon-Safe program, which recognizes progressive, environmentally friendly land and water management practices in BC.
Baseline Bird SurveyThis survey was conducted at the site from 06:00 to 07:00 on Monday 3 July 2023. Two surveyors from Rocky Point Bird Observatory covered the area to determine the number of individual birds of which species were to be found in the area.


Studies for
2401 Burnside Road
View Royal Development PermitThis development permit has been issued to BC Transit by the Town of View Royal in March 2022.