Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment
Sept 2017
WSP Canada Inc.
Recommendation: A sub-surface investigation in the form of a Phase 2 Environmental Assessment is recommended at the site to identify on and off-site areas of potential environmental concerns.
Further Action: A Phase 2 Environmental Assessment was conducted in May 2018.
Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment
Phase 2 Soil Assessment
May 2018
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Phase 2 of an environmental site assessment is performed to assess the potential soil contaminants of concern identified in Phase 1 assessment. This assessment builds on what was identified in Phase l. Issues explored included concentration of arsenic, chromium, cobalt and nickel within the soil. No further groundwater investigation was recommended.
Recommendation: Stantec recommended subsequent soil sampling to delineate identified metals contamination in soil in one location on the site.
Further Action: Stantec returned to site to collect shallow soil samples.
Riparian Areas Assessment
October 2017
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
A Riparian Areas Assessment is necessary when the development site exists on or near a fish habitat. This assessment was performed to determine the Streamside Protection Enhancement Area (SPEA) for the three watercourse present. Craigflower Creek is known to be fish bearing, with provincial records of Coho salmon, two forms of Cutthroat trout among others.
The SPEA was determined following the detailed assessment methods established by Schedule 1 of the Riparian Areas Regulation (RAR) under the Riparian Areas Protection Act. This was not a RAR report, only a determination of SPEA.
Recommendation: A full RAR report including danger tree assessments, windthrow, slope stability, tree protection during construction, encroachment and sediment and erosion control will need to be completed.
Further Action: A full Riparian Areas Regulation (RAR) detailed assessment, an environmental management plan suitable for planning and permitting project stages, and a Fisheries Act Request for Review is underway in Spring 2020.
Streamside Protection and Enhancement Areas
Technical Study
Description: A Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) oversees and advises on the best approach to design of measures to ensure environmental protection, mitigation and restoration. Four watercourses have been identified on-site and corresponding streamside protection and enhancement areas (SPEA) have been confirmed.
Recommendation: Stantec, the Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP), has outlined the following setbacks to protect habitat from development onsite.
Further Action: Follow recommendations outlined by Qualified Environmental Professional. SPEA setbacks will inform the preliminary site design and the Town of View Royal Environmental Development Permit application.
Burnside handyDART Facility – Habitat Assessment | Stantec has prepared this habitat assessment report on behalf of BC Transit to support environmental permitting (i.e., Fisheries Act and Water Sustainability Act) for the proposed handyDART facility. The results of desktop reviews and site visits indicate that the project area provides habitat for vegetation including deciduous and coniferous trees, shrubs, wetland plants and at least one invasive species. There is also overlap between the project area and an area of proposed critical habitat for western painted turtle and overlap with the ranges of seventeen species listed on Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act, although there are no documented occurrences within the project area. Two of the four watercourses provide potential fish habitat and one juvenile Coho was observed during a site visit at the Craigflower Creek. |
Stream Realignment | The diagram outlines the planned realignment and restoration of the seasonal stream that exists on the property. |
Riparian Area Protection Report | This Report prescribes site-specific setback distances, conditions of development, and plantings. It was completed by Stantec, a Qualified Environmental Professional. |
Construction Environmental Management Plan |
The Construction Environmental Management Plan describes the Project, outlines the regulatory context, and provides a series of site-specific Best Management Practices (BMPs) applicable to the proposed construction work. These practices will be applied by a Contractor as overseen by the independent Environmental Monitor assigned to the Project.
Lower Craigflower Creek: Proper Functioning Condition Assessment December 2021 | Provides a snapshot of the current condition of a portion of Craigflower Creek in and around the BC Transit handyDART site. The purpose is to provide a baseline assessment of creek conditions and to support sound land-use decisions that protect or enhance creek function. |