Winter weather and challenging driving conditions may be causing delays, detours, and possibly cancellations. We appreciate your patience.


Parcels, Pets and Strollers

Pets on Board

Only small fur-bearing and feathered pets contained in secure, clean, hand-held cages are permitted on the bus. Cages (hard or soft shell) must be small enough to fit on the owner’s lap. Customers must hold on to their cages at all times. If there is room, the customers may place and hold the cage beside them on the floor. The cage should not block the aisle or restrict other customers.

Guide Dogs and Service Dogs

BC Transit welcomes guide and service dogs on our buses for persons with disabilities in accordance to the Guide Dog and Service Dog Act (GDSDA) and the BC Human Rights Code. You will not be asked to provide GDSDA certification; however, when coming on board with a guide dog or service dog, the dog must be on leash or wearing a harness and not occupy a seat.  Emotional Support or Therapy dogs are not covered under the GDSDA, therefore, they are not permitted on BC Transit vehicles. 

Guide and/or service dogs are expected to be non-disruptive and non-aggressive while on board the vehicle.  All guide dogs and service dogs should: 

  • Not have disruptive behaviour toward the operator or other customers.   
  • Not disrupt the safe operation of the bus. 
  • Not pose a risk to others or damage property inside the vehicle. 
  • Not be allowed to roam freely in the vehicle. 
  • Not urinate or defecate on the vehicle. 


For safety reasons, please place and hold your luggage, bags, sports equipment and other belongings on your lap or on the floor where they will not obstruct the aisle or other customers. Hold your hockey sticks, snow boards, skis and poles (tips down) in front of you.

Do not bring combustible materials, such as wetcell batteries, propane tanks or gasoline containers on the bus.


In order for a customer to use BC Transit, the stroller:

  • Should be collapsible
  • Cannot exceed 2 feet by 4 feet (24″ by 48″ or 60.96 cm by 121.92 cm)
  • Must be kept clear of the aisles (the width of the distance between the normal seats, not the width of the accessible area)
  • For safety reasons, strollers are not permitted to use the lifts or securement devices. Securements on the buses are for scooters and wheelchairs only.

When travelling on a bus with a baby stroller, please:

  • Position the stroller in an unoccupied wheelchair location with the brakes set
  • Hold onto the stroller at all times

When wheelchair positions are occupied or required by another customer, we ask for your consideration and cooperation by folding your stroller and moving to another seat. Please store your stroller in between the seats.

If the bus is not a low floor bus, the child must be removed from the stroller, the stroller collapsed and secured between the seats, and the child held onto at all times during the trip.

Your Guide to Accessibility

Information and guidelines to enable safe accessible ridership.