For Suppliers and Contractors

At BC Transit, we are always upgrading, expanding and improving our services across the province. Because of the dynamic nature of the transit industry, we are on the lookout for quality suppliers, service providers and a host of other business partners.

Please browse our current competitions on the BC Bid website. For additional information and to submit a response to a current competition, please use our online portal.

All invoices are to be submitted to

Invoicing Instructions

In order for the BC Transit Accounts Payable team to smoothly process an invoice, please ensure the following is included with invoices:

  1. BC Transit Purchase Order Number
  2. BC Transit Contact Name
  3. BC Transit Project Name
  4. Vendor/Contractor Address as well as remittance address if different
  5. BC Transit’s Organization name and Address
  6. Vendor contact information
  7. Vendor GST Number

Inquiries regarding submitted invoices are to be directed to

Become a Vendor

Attract more customers. Become a vendor of BC Transit fare products.