News, announcements, and supporting documents specific to the Victoria Regional Rapid Transit Project are posted here.
News and Announcements
LRT Funding Survey media release (January 16, 2012)
Light Rail Transit Technology Recommended (April 26, 2011)
Open House announcement to reveal rapid transit technology options (October 5, 2010)
Open House announcement to discuss Transit Future Plan and rapid transit corridor (June 7, 2010)
BC Transit Board of Directors approves Rapid Transit Alignment (October 29, 2009)
Open House announcement to discuss preferred alignment (October 13, 2009)
Open House announcement to identify alignment options (June 18, 2009)
Open House announcement to gather input during early planning stage (March 19, 2009)
Supporting Documents
Victoria Regional Rapid Transit Report – Report to BC Transit Board [6.6mb] (May 26, 2011)
Victoria Regional Rapid Transit – Report to Commission [1.8mb]) (May 17, 2011)
Technical Reports
Volume 1: Regional Data and Traffic Information
Volume 2: Corridor Evaluation
Volume 3: Development and Evaluation of Alignment Configuration
Volume 4: Functional Alignment Report
Volume 5: Technology and Option Evaluation
Volume 6: Communication and Consultation
Volume 6: Communication and Consultation Appendix 1 & 2
Volume 6: Communication and Consultation Appendix 3 & 4
Volume 6: Communication and Consultation Appendix 5 & 6
Preface: Victoria Regional Rapid Transit
Project Organization
Victoria Regional Rapid Transit Project Work Plan [1.4mb]
Project Work Flow Diagram
Detailed Guiding Principles
Project organizational structure
Engineering Group Background
Business Surveys
Douglas Street Corridor Survey – detailed final report [1.8 mb]
Douglas Street Corridor Survey – summary presentation [1.3 mb]
Joint Council Meeting Saanich-Victoria (February 2012)
Presentation to Community Liaison Committee on Rapid Transit Characteristics [3.4 mb]
The VRRTP has started with a ‘clean sheet’ approach where all options are considered and all concerns are addressed. Public input will help BC Transit refine, evaluate and eventually select transit improvements that serve many people and businesses. Input may be supplied throughout the planning process by attending public sessions, corresponding directly with the project team, and by contacting an appropriate member of the Community Liaison Committee.
Community Liaison Committee:
A Community Liaison Committee (CLC) has been meeting monthly since December 2008 to work with the VRRTP team and communicate with the various interest groups represented on the committee. Acting as a “sounding board” for the project team, the CLC includes representatives from capital region communities, the business sector, transportation groups, schools, cycling and other groups.
Community Liason Committee Membership List
Public Sessions:
Stage 3: Technology Evaluation (May 2011)
Public open houses were held on May 4 (Victoria) and May 5 (West Shore) to provide information on the recommendation to use LRT technology for the rapid transit connection being planned between Victoria and the West Shore.
Technology Evaluation Open House Displays [7.7mb]
Planning Update & Recommendations Brochure Update
Stage 2: Alignment Development
October 2010
Public open houses were held on October 5 (Victoria ) and October 6 (West Shore) to provide a project progress update, including new information on options for the layout of rapid transit within the approved alignment. Rapid transit vehicle technologies were also showcased, and the public was invited to comment.
Alignment Development Open House Displays
Visualizations of Arrangements and Technology Options
Open House Results Summary (October 2010)
June 2010
If you missed our open houses in Victoria and the West Shore held on June 7 and 8, 2010, just click on the links below for new information about the Victoria Regional Rapid Transit Project and how it fits with the rest of the transit network.
Open House Displays (June 2010)
Open House Results Summary (June 2010)
October 2009
The preferred rapid transit alignment was displayed as part of the progress update in public open houses held on October 15 in Colwood and October 20 in Victoria. New displays from these open houses are posted below.
Open House Displays (October 2009)
Open House Results Summary (October 2009)
June 2009
Public open houses were held June 23 and 29 in Victoria and June 25 in Colwood to provide a progress update and opportunity to comment on alignments under consideration for Rapid Transit in Victoria.
Open House Results Summary (June 2009)
March/April 2009
The project team held a public open house in Victoria on March 31, 2009, and another in Langford on April 1, 2009 to share information about the project. Project staff and members of the Community Liaison Committee were on hand to discuss and receive input on travel patterns, transit corridors and linkages to the West Shore.
Open House Results Summary (March/April 2009)
Uptown-Downtown Alignment Issues & Opportunities – July 2010
During July, BC Transit undertook a survey to better understand the implications for businesses of establishing a rapid transit system connecting Victoria to the West Shore via Douglas Street. This survey, developed in cooperation with the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce, Association of Douglas Street Businesses, Downtown Victoria Business Association and the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, was conducted by Victoria-based R.A. Malatest and Associates. The survey interviewed businesses and their customers on Douglas Street between Uptown and Downtown, as well as those that might be affected by a Douglas/Blanshard or Douglas/Government couplet or loop arrangement.
The survey obtained input from hundreds of businesses and area customers to help to identify issues and opportunities created by a rapid transit system providing high-frequency, all-day, every day service to help meet high travel demand between Victoria, Uptown and the West Shore.
Uptown-Downtown Alignment Issues & Opportunities Survey – Results at a Glance
Uptown-Downtown Alignment Issues & Opportunities Survey – Summary Report
Uptown-Downtown Alignment Issues & Opportunities Survey – Final Report
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