Winter weather and challenging driving conditions may be causing delays, detours, and possibly cancellations. We appreciate your patience.


Design and Sustainability Objectives

Six principles are guiding the design and sustainability objectives for the site:


Consult with Indigenous groups in the spirit of reconciliation and include Indigenous knowledge, perspectives and participation in the project.

  • Consultation with local Indigenous Groups is underway to identify their interest and perspectives on the site, and to involve Indigenous groups in the development and implementation of the project.
  • Several opportunities for design elements to highlight cultural and environmental knowledge informed by Indigenous communities.


Introduce new or improved accessible connections for people who walk and cycle, including new sidewalks and potential realignment of the Galloping Goose Trail.
  • New boulevards and sidewalks will front the property on Watkiss Way and Burnside Road.
  • Grade and alignment of the Galloping Goose Trail will shift east, straightening the corner and reducing the grade making the trail safer and more accessible.
  • A new trailhead on the north west corner of the property will create a decorative plaza area that will help reduce conflicts between trail and intersection users and will enhance the public realm.
  • Two new transit shelters will be installed. One on Watkiss Way and one on Burnside.


Respect the qualities of the host neighbourhood by designing a site, building and landscaping that integrate well and enhance the neighbourhood. Consider and mitigate potential visual, safety and other impacts of the development on the surrounding area.

  • Responsive to community feedback, the main building will be located adjacent to the highway – the furthest possible distance from neighbouring properties.
  • The state-of-the-art building will be informed by the Town of View Royal form and character guidelines and will include West-Coast design elements to respond to View Royal’s neighbourhood character and context. The one-storey building will include offices and vehicle maintenance bays.
  • Employee parking will be provided onsite.
  • The BC Hydro transmission tower will be upgraded and shifted north
  • A vehicle wash bay and temporary fueling kiosk will be located onsite. Once transitioned to a fully electric fleet, the temporary fueling kiosk will be removed.
  • Using Security Achieved through Functional Environmental Design (SAFE) principals, landscaping, grading, and 8’ fencing will screen the property and create an aesthetically pleasing streetscape.
  • Site and building lighting will be guided by ‘Dark Skies’ guidelines and regulations to minimize light pollution.
  • Turn lanes into the site will be added on Burnside Road to mitigate any traffic impacts.
  • Landscaping, streetscape improvements and trail realignment will occur first so the community can benefit sooner from new amenities and plants can mature.


Build responsive relationships within the local community and First Nations to inform various elements of the
redevelopment and on-going communications.

  • A memorandum of understanding with the Town of View Royal confirms BC Transit’s commitment to follow the spirit and intent of the Town’s development processes, permitting and bylaws.
  • A neighbourhood working group is working closely with the project team to inform future public engagement opportunities.
  • In addition to new sidewalks, landscaping, and Galloping Goose Trail improvements, $150,000 will be provided to the Town of View Royal for community amenities.
  • BC Transit and the Town are in discussions about the potential use of approximately 1.5 acres of land across Watkiss Way for a new public amenity, to be determined by the Town.
  • The project website and a subscriber-based e-newsletter will provide timely project updates.


Design a site that supports expansion of a sustainable, fully electric handyDART service that improves access to transit for people with permanent or temporary disabilities that prevent them from using fixed-route transit without assistance from another person.

  • For those with disabilities that prevent them from driving, handyDART provides independence and ability to atten appointments, complete errands and socialize.
  • ƒThe need for handyDART service is growing in all Greater Victoria municipalities. This central location will help serve our community’s most vulnerable residents efficiently for the next 25 years.
  • ƒAt opening, handyDART vehicles will be a combination of gas and electric and will transition to fully electric fleet as the aging buses are replaced.


Use the redevelopment of this site as an opportunity to repair and restore the ecological function of this part of the Craigflower Creek watershed and design a site and building that can achieve LEED Gold.

  • Will be the first BC Transit facility built to meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold requirements.
  • LEED principles outline best practices to reduce energy, chemical use, water, air pollution, solid waste, and/or runoff associated with the building site.
  • Office areas will meet Step 3 of the BC Energy Step Code, which is up to 40% more energy efficient than base 2018 BC Building Code.
  • A SPEA setback has been established from Craigflower Creek, meaning no development will occur within 30 metres of the Creek.
  • A seasonal stream on-site will be restored, creating an acre of protected riparian area connecting to the creek. Ut will provide new amphibian and rearing habitat for Coho salmon and other juvenile fish.
  • New landscaping will enhance biodiversity, create habitat, and aesthetically screen the property.
  • Hundreds of new trees will be planted including a mix of mature, fast growing, and native species. Several trees will be removed. A “2 to 1” tree replacement ratio will be applied when trees must be replaced.
  • Project design will meet or exceed all Provincial and Federal standards for environmental protection.
  • Best practices will treat the runoff entering the creek from the site: Nine rain gardens, covering 1/3 of an acre, will capture water on site. They will clean, cool and slow the flow of water. Traditional stormwater attenuation is designed to manage a 200-year rain event.
  • A baseline assessment of the portion of Craigflower Creek that runs through the property, will be conducted pre-construction and made available to local agencies and streamkeepers to assist in future work, advocacy and leveraging grant funding.
  • An environmental monitor, independent of the contractor, will be retained to oversee construction.
  • This project is partnering with Salmon Safe, adding third party verification of the stream restoration practices being implemented.