Over the past decade, growth in the West Shore has been contributing to significant increases in vehicle traffic coming into Victoria. In response, BC Transit, working with the Victoria Regional Transit Commission, has taken steps to improve rapid transit in the Victoria region.
Ongoing RapidBus Projects
Several projects are underway around the region that will help the Route 95 Blink RapidBus line between the West Shore and Downtown, as well as advance future RapidBus corridors, including the following projects:
Island Highway – in progress
Transit priority improvements along the Island Highway between the interchange with Highway 1 and 6 Mile Road and Atkins Road in the Town of View Royal are currently under construction, with future queue jumper lanes planned for the Wale Road intersection in the City of Colwood.
Highway 1 Bus Priority Planning – ongoing
The Ministry of Transportation and Transit is advancing planning work along the Douglas Street/Hwy 1 corridor to support existing BC Transit initiatives. This includes exploring transit priority treatments that align with the Victoria Transit Future Plan and the South Island Transportation Strategy.
Designs are being developed to provide RapidBus Stations to support Route 95 Blink RapidBus from Victoria to Langford. The stations will provide a higher level of customer amenities and a distinct look for locations where RapidBus stops. A new terminus is being planned at Belmont Market.
UVic Transit Exchange– complete
The project was completed in 2022.
Uptown Mobility Hub Planning – ongoing
There are two planning initiatives underway to advance the Uptown Multi-Modal Hub:
Transit Priority – Improvements to transit and active transportation are planned to begin in 2025. The plan includes a bus only lane on Ravine Road, RapidBus stations on Highway 1 and expanded bus zone capacity on Carey Road. New multi-use paths and protected bike lanes will also be provided. The upgrades will address near-term transit and active transportation priorities while also aligning with the future development of the Uptown multi-modal transportation hub.
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Plan – A study is underway for a preliminary concept design of a multi-modal hub with TOD. The objective is to establish a concept design to advance to Saanich, the Victoria Regional Transit Commission and the Ministry of Transportation and Infratructure for approval. The study will include estimated costs, land implications and commercial feasibility of preferred concept design. Future steps may include a development proposal, stakeholder engagement, and preparing a business case.
For more information, visit: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation-projects/transit-oriented-development/uptown-transit-oriented-development
McKenzie Corridor Study – ongoing
A long-term vision and near-term improvements for McKenzie Avenue have developed in partnership with the District of Saanich. The desired street improvements will improve bus speeds by 20-30% during peak times, provide enhanced RapidBus Stations, provide protected bike lanes and improve road safety.
Highway 14 Connie Road to Glinz Lake Road Realignment and Park & Ride: – complete
The Highway 14 realignment included a new Park & Ride near Connie Road and new transit stops with bus pullouts to improve safety and passenger amenities.
The Ministry of Transportation and Transit, as part of the South Island Transportation Strategy, identified the Highway 17 (Pat Bay) at the Mt Newton Cross Road Intersection as a priority location to enhance transit and pedestrian facilities. This intersection provides ridership access to residents of the Tsawout First Nation, Central Saanich and North Saanich. This project is now complete.
Victoria Bus Lane Priority Project
Douglas Street Bus Lanes Construction is complete on the southbound Douglas Street bus lane extension project and have created faster, easier commutes for people who live and work in the Greater Victoria area.
The latest extension was approved by the City of Victoria between Hillside Avenue and Herald Street and was made a 24/7 transit corridor in September 2024. The 24/7 transit priority lanes now run north and south between Herald Street to Tillicum Avenue with ongoing construction and planning to extend them to the Old Island Highway in Colwood.
Planning work is underway to extend the bus lanes south from Herald Street to Belleville Street.
The priority lanes are meant for buses, including those run by BC Transit and private tour companies. Motorists are allowed to enter the priority bus lanes only if making a right-hand turn within the block.
24/7 between Pembroke Street and Tolmie Avenue
24/7 between Herald Street and Tillicum Road
The priority lanes shorten travel times for passengers, increase the reliability of public transit and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Encouraging more transit use also lowers the number of vehicles on the road, helping to reduce congestion. The Douglas Street corridor currently supports as many as 1,700 vehicles per hour during peak travel times.
The fine for being in a priority bus lane is $109.
What is Rapid Transit?
Rapid transit is designed to improve travel time, reliability, passenger comfort and convenience along an exclusive right-of-way. A rapid transit system provides frequent, high-capacity service that runs all day, every day.
Rapid transit is not a substitute or replacement for local bus service or commuter rail, which perform different functions. Local bus service operates in mixed traffic and has more closely spaced stops. Commuter rail connects distant centres during peak commuting hours.