Taxi Saver

handyDART Fares

For information on fares and fare product vendor information, click here.

Taxi Saver

When handyDART cannot accommodate your travel needs, you can use the Taxi Saver vouchers for one-time trips. The Taxi Saver vouchers are available to permanently registered handyDART riders only. They provide a 50% subsidy towards the cost of taxi rides. You will need to have a handyPASS to use this program.

Booking a Taxi Saver Trip

To book a taxi saver trip, call your local area taxi company directly.

How to Use the Vouchers

1. When you reach your destination, present your handyPASS to the driver
2. Use your Taxi Saver vouchers to pay the dollar amount of the taxi meter fare
3. Use cash to pay anything that is not a whole dollar amount (for example, if the taxi fare is $5.80, you would pay $5.00 using vouchers and 80¢ in change)


1. Taxi drivers cannot make change for Taxi Saver vouchers.
2. You may not use vouchers as tips
3. Taxi Saver vouchers are not transferable to other individuals or transit systems

Taxi Service Compliments and Complaints

If you have a compliment or complaint about the service you received when using Taxi Saver vouchers, please contact the manager of the taxi company that served you. Please have the name of the taxi company, the day and time of the trip, and the trip destination.


Press 2 for Penticton handyDART.

Service Hours

Monday to Friday, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday, 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sunday and Holidays, No Service

Office Hours

Monday to Friday 7:00 am – 5:00 pm