View Royal property being considered for regional handyDART facility

VICTORIA –BC Transit has applied to the Town of View Royal to amend the Official Community Plan and re-zone the property at 2401 Burnside Road (the property located southeast of the Burnside and Watkiss intersection) to locate a new regional handyDART operations and maintenance facility. handyDART is an accessible, door-to-door shared transit service for people with permanent or temporary disabilities that prevent them from using conventional or fixed-route transit without assistance.

The existing handyDART facility, located on Glanford Avenue, is beyond its capacity and can no longer support the need for future growth of the service. The need for a new facility was identified in the Victoria Transit Future Plan. The Transit Future Plan, endorsed by the Victoria Regional Transit Commission, was based on local government land use and transportation plans including the Regional Growth Strategy, Travel Choices and local Official Community Plans.

A central location is needed for the provision of effective handyDART services. View Royal is a well-suited location as a central municipality near multiple arteries connecting to all corners of the Victoria Region.

Public input is a key element that will help with the final submission and design of the project. There are several ways residents can learn more about the application including an upcoming open house:


Eagle View Elementary School
97 Talcott Road, View Royal, BC
Tuesday, February 20

6 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Information is also available at View Royal Town Hall and on the BC Transit website at

BC Transit had hoped to locate the facility on the southern-most corner of the property, continuing to accommodate the Victoria Bowmen Archery Club on-site; however, further site examination determined that the development must occur closer to the center of the property. BC Transit is committed to working with the Bowmen Club to find a suitable location to move to in 2019. A significant portion of the property will remain as greenspace and the Galloping Goose Trail.

BC Transit remains committed to working with local government partners and our customers to make transit a viable and attractive transportation choice.

Media Contact

Jonathon Dyck
BC Transit
Communications Manager