CENTRAL OKANAGAN – Here’s your chance to tell us what you
like about transit in the Central Okanagan and how we can work together to make
the system more efficient and effective. The Regional District of Central Okanagan,
City of Kelowna, District of West Kelowna, District of Lake Country, District
of Peachland, Westbank First Nation, and BC Transit are conducting ridership
surveys on Tuesday April 1, 2014 and Wednesday April 2, 2014.
Surveys will be available on all transit buses in the Central Okanagan region.
Transit staff will be found at most major transit exchanges spreading the word
about the customer engagement process and collecting completed surveys.
You can also share your opinions online from April 1 to April 6, 2014 at www.bctransit.com/regions/kel
and click on the survey link. Residents are asked to only complete the survey
All transit users in the Central Okanagan are encouraged to participate in
the survey. This survey will help identify issues and opportunities to better
meet the needs of the community and transit customers. By making transit more
efficient and effective, existing customers will benefit and new customers will
be enticed to leave their single-occupancy vehicles at home and make the smart,
sustainable and affordable decision to ride a bus to work, school or to social
For more information on transit in Central Okanagan visit www.bctransit.com/regions/kel
or call 250-860.8121.
Media contacts:
Rafael Villarreal
Regional Planning Manager, Sustainable Transportation Partnership of the Central
Tom Wilson
Communications Supervisor, City of Kelowna
Meribeth Burton
Corporate Spokesperson, BC Transit