Winter Service Changes for Sunshine Coast

Sunshine Coast – Winter service changes will take effect on the Sunshine Coast starting December 22, 2016.

The service changes are being made to adjust for seasonal demand and to best align with BC Ferries schedule, including hourly ferry service that will be in place from January 19 until April 6, 2017.

For more information about Sunshine Coast Transit, including routes, schedules, and fares, please visit

General inquiries can be directed to the Sunshine Coast Transit Info number at 604-885-6899. Updated Rider’s Guides are also now available onboard buses.

Further details on the holiday service schedule are available here: [REPLACED EMBEDDED “Document_C” LINK [[Asset Included(Id:1403646901913;Type:Document_C)]]

Media Contact:
Jonathon Dyck, BC Transit, Communications Manager, 250-995-5720