Transit System: Central Fraser Valley, Chilliwack
CENTRAL FRASER VALLEY – March 18, 2015 is Transit Driver Appreciation Day. BC Transit, Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD), City of Abbotsford and City of Chilliwack are celebrating by saluting some of the extraordinary men and women who go the extra mile (kilometer) to safely provide exceptional customer service.
Why March 18? It is believed to be the debut of transit services in Paris in 1662. For more details on Transit Driver Appreciation consult On the website, you will find transit driver thank you cards. BC Transit encourages our customers to print off a card for their favourite driver or to thank operators when they depart the bus.
Central Fraser Valley Regional Transit is proud of all employees and would like to send a special salute to one operator. Manjit Narang is marking his 8th anniversary behind the wheel.
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Manjit can recite the BC Transit Rider’s Guide forwards and backwards. He knows every route right down to the timing points. Manjit is extremely helpful with new drivers, showing them the ropes and encouraging them as they learn on the job. Manjit is customer-focused and always greets his passengers and co-workers with a smile.
“Transit drivers provide a vital service in so many of B.C.’s communities,” said Darryl Plecas, MLA for Abbotsford-South.
“Their commitment to the safety of passengers and other road users is an incredibly important part of the province’s transportation system. I hope all transit users will take the time to recognize the valuable role of their transit drivers both on Transit Driver Appreciation Day and throughout the year.”
“The City of Chilliwack and the Fraser Valley Regional District would like to take this opportunity to recognize the many outstanding transit drivers we have here in the Valley,” said Sharon Gaetz, Mayor of the City of Chilliwack and Chair of the FVRD. “Thank you for your dedicated service to our community as public transit continues to expand to better serve our communities.”
“Transit drivers provide an invaluable service; many of us couldn’t get where we need to go without them,” said Henry Braun, Abbotsford Mayor. “I encourage residents to join me in thanking all of our transit drivers for the outstanding public service they provide the community all year long.”
“BC Transit operators work hard all year long as our front-line ambassadors, providing outstanding customer service,” said BC Transit President and CEO Manuel Achadinha. “On Transit Driver Appreciation Day, I invite the public to join me in thanking our drivers for delivering daily on the company’s core values of safety, integrity and customer service.”
For more information on routes and schedules please consult
Media contact:
Meribeth Burton
Corporate Spokesperson | BC Transit
d: 250-995-5720 c: 250-507-8145