Transit Changes in Elk Valley

ELK VALLEY – Effective January 2, 2013 the Regional District of East Kootenay is cancelling transit service on route #2 South Country. The Thursday-only service saw an average of less than one ride per hour and was financially unsustainable. The route #2 South Country has been in service for six years. Its final day is December 27, 2012.

While one service comes to an end, transit ridership in Elkford, Sparwood and Fernie is growing exponentially. September 2012 was the third most productive month in the history of Elk Valley Transit.

The months of September and October, 2012 saw dramatic increases in the number of trips on BC Transit. When comparing September 2011 to September 2012, ridership grew by 39% and the year-over-year increase in October was 25%.

For more information on schedules please call 1.855.417.4636 or consult

Media Contact:

Meribeth Burton
Corporate Spokesperson | BC Transit
d: 250.995.5720