‘Tis Hallowe’en! Be Safe – Be Seen!

Corporate – The night is approaching, when ghosties and ghoulies and things that go “bump” in the night – not to mention all manner of princesses and superheroes and their companions – hit the streets. BC Transit would like to remind you that our buses will be ready to get you to your destinations safely.
And to make sure everyone is safe, we have some tips:
Tips for everyone
  • BC Transit buses are safe places for anyone – including children who may be distracted by the excitement, candy and costumes and get separated from their group
  • Young children should be accompanied by an adult or responsible older child
  • To be scary, ghosts and monsters must be seen! Carry a flashlight and/or incorporate LED lights or reflective strips to costumes
  • Masks could make it difficult for a child to see where they’re going: eye-safe makeup might be a better choice
  • Always cross at intersections, crosswalks or street corners
  • Remind all super heroes and villains to stop at the curb, look both ways, and listen for oncoming traffic
  • Remind the younger goblins and ghouls to never go into a stranger’s house or vehicle
  • Only visit homes that want to participate in the Halloween fun—look for jack-o-lanterns and other decorations before you ring a doorbell.
Tips for drivers
  • Remember that children are often more focused on trick-or-treating than on the street, so drive slowly in residential areas
  • Remain even more vigilant and alert than usual
  • Enter and exit intersections and driveways slowly and carefully
  • Watch out for children whose costumes might impair their vision (masks, hoods, etc.)
  • Expect the unexpected—excited young vampires and werewolves may forget pedestrian safety rules and dart out between parked vehicles
For information on transit routes, fares and schedules, please visit bctransit.com.
Have a safe and spooky Halloween!
Media Contact:
Shellene McConnell
Senior Communications and Engagement Advisor
BC Transit