Service provider change coming to paratransit and handyDART

POWELL RIVER – Beginning April 1, 2021, the City of Powell River will be assuming rural paratransit and handyDART operations in the region, creating long-term, reliable transit services for our customers.
The existing operating agreements for rural paratransit and handyDART service will expire on March 31. The City of Powell River, as the current operator of conventional services on behalf of BC Transit, is well positioned to assume these additional operations. This includes a strong understanding of transit operations, established infrastructure and strong maintenance program.
Rural paratransit services in the area are funded by qathet Regional District. Powell River Taxi 2001 will continue to operate those routes along with handyDART services until March 31, and there will be no disruption of service to customers in the region.
We will continue to work with the City of Powell River and qathet Regional District, to ensure we are providing our customers with the most efficient and reliable service possible.
For more information, service updates and alerts in the Powell River Regional Transit System, please visit:

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BC Transit Communications