VICTORIA – BC Transit is getting into the holiday spirit with arrival of the 28th Annual Santa Bus.
The Santa Bus is easy to spot with its bright red nose.
Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and an elf will be treating customers to BC Transit holiday stickers, candy canes and festive music.
Look for the Santa Bus and its special guests from the North Pole on Friday, December 19 and Saturday, December 20, 2014. The Santa Bus can be found in downtown Victoria, UVic, James Bay, Royal Oak, Dockyard and at the Camosun College Interurban campus. Check out the Santa Bus schedule at
Plus the Victoria Regional Transit Commission and BC Transit are encouraging everyone to make the safe choice and take FREE rides after 6 p.m. on New Year’s Eve.
Victoria Regional Transit System customers should be aware of some holiday schedule changes:
December 24 – regular weekday schedule
December 25 – Sunday schedule
December 26 – Sunday schedule
December 31 – Friday schedule, plus FREE rides after 6 p.m.
January 1 – Sunday schedule
For more information, please call 250.382.6161 or consult
Media contact:
Meribeth Burton
d: 250.995.5720