Phase Two of Transit Future Planning

NORTH OKANAGAN – The Regional District of North Okanagan (RDNO), the City of Vernon and the District of Coldstream along with BC Transit need your input in phase two of a 25-year Transit Future Plan.

The ‘Transit Future Bus’ is returning to the North Okanagan region, following phase one consultations that were held in October 2012.

The bus, a 40-foot interactive consultation tool, will include educational displays that highlight area-specific transit needs, priorities and concerns. BC Transit wants to reconfirm with its customers and stakeholders before making planning recommendations to the elected officials who set routes, schedules and service hours.

Attend an Open House on the “Transit Future Bus”, and steer the North Okanagan in the direction that best suits the wants and needs of your community.


>March 14, 2013 Armstrong Odd Fellows Hall (3005 Wood Ave.) 1 pm – 3 pm
>March 14, 2013 Askews (3305 Smith Ave., Armstrong) 4 pm – 6 pm
>March 15, 2013 Schubert Centre (3505 – 30th Ave., Vernon) 11 am – 2 pm
>March 15, 2013 Downtown Vernon Transit Exchange 3 pm – 7 pm
>March 16, 2013 Village Green Centre (48th Ave., Vernon) 11 am – 4 pm
>March 17, 2013 Super A Foods (2056 Vernon Str., Lumby) 10 am – noon
>March 18, 2013 Coldstream Women’s Institute (9901 Kalamalka Rd.) 9 am – 11 am

If you are not able to attend an Open House in person, surveys are available online at until March 28, 2013.

Media contact:

Meribeth Burton
Corporate Spokesperson | BC Transit