Fixed-Route Fare Product Vendors
Reloadable Umo cards and fare products are available at the retail vendors listed below for use on fixed-route transit services. To purchase fare products online, visit Visit to purchase handyDART fare product.
Vendor | Address | Notes |
Nanaimo |
Beban Park | 2300 Bowen Road | |
Bowen Park Complex | 500 Bowen Road | |
Bowen Road General Store | 1702 Bowen Road | |
Central Drugs | 16-2220 Bowen Rd | |
Central Drugs | 7186 Lantzville | |
Jingle Pot General Store | 2201 Jinglepot Road | |
London Drugs | 4750 Rutherford Road | |
London Drugs | 650 Terminal Avenue | |
Nanaimo Aquatic Centre | 741 Third Street | |
Nanaimo Ice Centre | 750 Third Street | |
Northridge General Store | 10-5800 Turner Road | |
Oliver Woods Community Centre | 6000 Oliver Road | |
Pharmasave | 5-1273 Island Highway | |
Regional District of Nanaimo Office | 6300 Hammond Bay Road | |
Service & Resource Centre | 411 Dunsmuir Street | |
The Medicine Shoppe | 1150 Terminal Avenue North | |
VIHA Parking Services | Room P1022 – 1200 Dufferin Crescent | |
Vancouver Island University | 900 Fifth Street | Semester Pass available only. |
Walmart Lotto Centre | 6801 Island Highway North | |
Parksville |
City of Parksville | 100 East Jensen Avenue | |
Oceanside Place Arena | 830 West Island Highway | |
The Medicine Shoppe | 143-2nd Avenue West | |