30-Day Pass

A 30-Day Pass combines the flexibility of choosing your travel window with the convenience of an unlimited long-term fare product.  Instead of waiting for the start of a calendar month, a 30-Day Pass can be purchased on any day and is valid for 30 continuous days of travel. A 30-Day Pass activates on first use, not when purchased.

A 30-Day Pass can be purchased:

The Regional District of Nanaimo Transit System has different 30-Day Pass option that provide different travel privileges:

  • 30-Day Pass – Valid for local travel within the Regional District of Nanaimo Transit System. Local 30-Day Pass fare products are eligible for concession pricing discounts for eligible riders. 
  • NCX 30-Day Pass – Zone C – Valid interregional travel on the 70 NCX Nanaimo – Cowichan Express route.
  • NCX 30-Day Pass – Zone D – Valid for travel in the Regional District of Nanaimo and Cowichan Valley transit systems and on the 70 NCX Nanaimo – Cowichan Express route.