Learn about OnDemand, BC Transit’s modern on-request transit option

BC Transit’s new OnDemand service that offers customers the convenience of booking trips using a smartphone app, or by phone, is coming to the Crawford neighborhood soon.

Starting on April 28, 2024, BC Transit will offer a hybrid approach to best service the Crawford area with fixed-route service during peak hours and OnDemand service during all other times.

With OnDemand, customers can request a ride that begins or ends within the Crawford area, or to and from the Mission Rec Transit Exchange – where they can easily connect to the wider Kelowna Regional Transit system.

OnDemand provides residents with reliable and convenient access to city amenities at times that work best for them. Various benefits include:

  • flexible transit service;
  • easy booking system;
  • shorter wait and travel times;
  • more direct routes;
  • better access to areas within the neighbourhood that had limited transit service; and
  • increased service during off-peak times, particularly on weekends.

BC Transit invites riders to learn more about OnDemand by visiting: https://engage.bctransit.com/crawfordondemand. Or stop by and speak with our BC Transit staff during an in-person community engagement day on March 7 and March 27, 2024. If required, a third engagement date in April will be added. 

Engagement Details

Thursday, March 78.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.Various locations throughout the day:

Mission Rec Exchange
Mission Rec Gym/Rink
On Board Route 15 Buses
Wednesday, March 278.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.Various locations throughout the day:

Mission Rec Exchange
Mission Rec Gym/Rink
On Board Route 15 Buses

OnDemand is being funded by BC Transit and the City of Kelowna. The transit service continues to be operated by TransDev Ltd. If successful, the service could expand to other locations and communities around the province.

Media Contacts
BC Transit Communications                          