BC Transit and the Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) are announcing a seasonal change to the transit system, effective September 6, 2022.
As part of this change, route 10 Valley Express will be expanded to provide service to Millar Creek Road in Function Junction. The route will also travel into Whistler Village along Lorimer Road, Northlands Boulevard, and Village Gate Boulevard. This route change was recommend as part of the Whistler draft Transit Future Action Plan received by RMOW Council on September 21, 2021. This route change for the 10 Valley Express is being tested this fall and will be evaluated at the end of the winter.
The fall schedule change includes minor timing changes on all routes.
While free transit service ends on most routes on September 5, the Marketplace and Upper Village/ Benchlands Shuttle Routes (Routes 4 and 5) remain free, compliments of the Resort Municipality Initiative. The Return to Transit Loyalty Program includes discounts on all monthly passes. Monthly passes are 30% off, 6-month passes are 40% off and 12-month passes are 50% off until October 31, 2022.
For full details, maps, schedules and fare information, please visit bctransit.com/whistler.
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