Book a Trip

This section outlines how to book a trip. You must first be registered with handyDART before booking a trip.

Types of Trips

Subscription Trips

Subscription trips are scheduled once a week or more at the same location and time for an extended period. An example would be a biweekly physical therapy appointment. To request this service, you must contact handyDART to check availability as there are limited subsciption spots available.

Subscription trips are cancelled on holidays. If your system offers holiday service for handyDART, you must contact handyDART in advance of the holiday in order to keep a trip on a holiday.

Reservation trips

Reservation trips are one time or occasional trips. These trips are scheduled on a first-to-call basis. You need to book a trip at least two days in advance of the date required but no more than 14 days in advance.

Booking Check List

When you book a trip, please have this information ready:

  • Your name
  • The day, date and time you need to travel
  • Identify if you have an attendant or companion or an assistance animal
  • Your pick-up address – street name and number
  • Your drop-off address – street name and number and phone number if available
  • Your appointment time
  • Any special instructions (e.g. side door)
  • Type of mobility aid you will be using (wheelchair, walker, etc.)

When your Ride Comes

When you book a trip, you will be given a 20-30 minute pick-up window.

You should be ready to go to your pick-up location at the beginning of your pick-up window.

Example: For a 9:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m. pick-up window, you should be ready at 9:00 a.m.

handyDART may send a taxi rather than a handyDART vehicle. If this happens, you pay a regular handyDART fare. You are not required to pay the fare on the meter nor tip the driver.

Customer Responsibilities

You are expected to do the following:

  • Ask for the assistance you require from the driver, e.g., to take your arm or push your wheelchair
  • Be at the pick-up location at the start of your pick-up window
  • Carry your own parcels – a maximum of two parcels carried on your lap
  • Cancel trips a minimum of two hours ahead of pick-up time

Cancelling a Trip

handyDART resources are limited and always in demand. If you must cancel a trip, it is important that you call the handyDART office as soon as you can. By cancelling as far in advance as possible, you help us improve service to all our passengers.

This section outlines how to book a trip. You must first register with handyDART before booking a trip.

Service Hours

Monday to Friday:
7:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday:
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Sunday Service Levels

Office Hours

Monday to Friday, 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday and all holidays, closed
Phone: 604-795-5121
Fax: 604-795-5110


First Canada
Chilliwack handyDART
44275 Yale Road West
Chilliwack BC
V2R 4H2