BC Transit to add more Buses and Lower Carbon Emissions 

GLOBAL – BC Transit has updated its fleet acquisition strategy and plans to add over 900 new buses to its fleet over the next three to five years, all while helping to minimize greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). 

BC Transit’s fleet acquisition strategy is designed to:  

  • Achieve GHG emissions targets set by the Province of British Columbia — 40 per cent reduction in bus emissions by 2030 and 60 per cent by 2040;  
  • Optimize the fleet and replace aging vehicles; and 
  • Bring in new vehicles to support service expansion.  

While BC Transit works towards its goal of a zero-emissions fleet, the organization will continue to purchase a variety of buses. A mixture of bus propulsion and lower carbon fuel types will ensure that BC Transit has a reliable fleet that meets the growing demand for transit in the communities it serves.  

As previously announced, BC Transit received funding for 141 electric buses, including 125 heavy duty, 10 high capacity (double decker), and six light duty. Currently, 125 heavy duty electric buses are on order with New Flyer and Nova Bus. The first batch of these buses are on the production line and the first 10 electric buses are expected to arrive for use in the Victoria Regional Transit System starting early 2025. 

In addition to electric buses, BC Transit is in the process of purchasing 80 diesel double decker buses to fill immediate transit needs in the Victoria Regional Transit system. BC Transit also intends to procure approximately 105 heavy duty hybrid buses. Hybrid buses will help more communities realize reductions in GHG emissions, achieve quieter operations on city streets, use less fuel, and experience electric technology while preparing for zero-emission vehicles.  

To support greenhouse gas reductions with the combustion fleet, BC Transit continues to incorporate the use of Hydrogenated Derived Renewable Diesel (HDRD). This fuel can be used in regular diesel engines and significantly reduces GHG emissions. 

Light duty gasoline buses to support handyDART services are also part of the fleet acquisition strategy.  

Quick Facts: 

  • From small towns to large urban centres, BC Transit transports more than 57 million customers in communities across the province every year.  
  • Shifting to more environmentally sustainable modes of transportation, such as transit, reduces the number of single occupant vehicles on the road, reduces traffic, and helps achieve an overall reduction in GHGs in support the Province of British Columbia’s CleanBC Plan.  
  • Strategic fleet management is an important step in achieving the organization’s CleanBC targets set by the Province of British Columbia. 
  • BC Transit needs to acquire approximately 590 buses between 2026 and 2029 to replace aging buses. As service expansion needs are identified and approved, the organization estimates that a further 312 net-new buses could be required between now and 2029. 

Learn More: 

Media Contacts 

BC Transit Communications  

