BC Transit Responds to the Independent Review Panel
Transit System: Global, Victoria
24 February 2018
VICTORIA – BC Transit is pleased that the Independent Review Panel
concluded that, “Overall, transit systems in British Columbia compare
very favourably with their counterparts across Canada, particularly in terms
of ridership, supply of service and efficiency of services provided.”
This reaffirms BC Transit’s commitment to providing efficient and effective
services for our customers and taxpayers across the province.
In addition to the report, the Panel commissioned a comprehensive attitude
and opinion survey. Local governments gave BC Transit positive scores in overall
relationships 90% (good or fair), communication 86% (good or fair) and value
for money 73% (good or fair).
While the report and the survey results acknowledge the significant improvements
that have been achieved over the past several years, they also highlight some
areas for ongoing attention. As the report states, many of these process improvements
are already being implemented by BC Transit. Each of the remaining improvements
will be reviewed in detail and BC Transit is committed to working collaboratively
with provincial and local government partners so that they too may be implemented.
The process improvements recommended by the Independent Review Panel will help
shape the future of BC Transit and make it even better.
Governance is the other common theme in the report by the Independent Review
Panel. “Our governance model is set out in legislation called the BC Transit
Act. The Act sets out (in detail) the rules that we must operate within. Any
change to governance is the responsibility of government,” said BC Transit
President & CEO Manuel Achadinha. “We have proven that we are operating
efficiently and effectively under the existing governance model. We are confident
that any changes to the governance model will ensure that we can continue to
provide efficient and effective transit service to our customers and to taxpayers.”
According to the Panel report, cities and towns have positive experiences with
BC Transit, “…local government partners felt that BC Transit was a
valuable partner that allows communities to provide a standard of public transportation
services that might not otherwise exist.” Pg. 22
Before the Review was initiated, the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure,
repeatedly stated BC Transit provides a very good transit system across the
province and this review is about making it even better. As presented in the
report, BC Transit serves more than 130 municipalities across British Columbia;
and when compared to peers across Canada carries more passengers at a lower
cost. This is the result of hard work and dedication of staff at BC Transit,
its operating companies and its government partners.
BC Transit welcomes the results of this Review and looks forward to working
with its partners to ensure the system remains an industry leader in efficiency
and effectiveness.