Halloween can be an exciting time for children who are distracted by candy and costumes, and may not be focused on basic safety rules.
Tips for everyone:
All BC Transit buses are safe places for children who may be lost or separated from their group
Young children should be accompanied by an adult or responsible older child since they lack the developmental skills to cross the street on their own
Ghosts and goblins must be seen to be scary. Incorporate visibility aids in all costumes
Teach your child to stop at the curb, look left, right and left again, and to listen for oncoming traffic
Always cross at intersections, crosswalks or street corners
Remind children – never enter anyone’s house or vehicle
Only visit homes that are visibly participating in Halloween – decorated and lights on
Tips for drivers:
Drive slowly in residential areas where children are more likely to be trick-or-treating
Reduce your distractions and stay alert
Remember to enter and exit intersections and driveways slowly and carefully
Watch out for children who may be wearing masks that make it difficult for them to see
Expect the unexpected. In the Halloween excitement, children may forget simple pedestrian safety rules and dart out between parked vehicle
Media Contact:
Meribeth Burton
Corporate Spokesperson | BC Transit
d: 250.995.5720
c: 250.507.8145