BC Transit works hard to match service with demand and provide reliable transportation services for customers.
Not unlike other transit operators in the province, the Whistler Transit System is currently experiencing service challenges that have resulted in the need to cancel some trips and alter schedules on short notice to reflect changing conditions.
From Friday, January 14 through April 3, 2022, all weekend extra service on Routes 4, 5 and 20X is suspended until further notice. There may be additional service cancelled on short notice.
To minimize the impact these service challenges are having on customers, alerts are posted on BC Transit’s website once trip cancellations are confirmed. Whistler Transit is also posting short notice trip cancellations on Twitter via @WhistlerTransit. This feed can be viewed at the bottom of the bctransit.com/whistler home page without a personal Twitter account.
The organization encourages customers to check for alerts regularly and to sign up for route-specific email notifications for the Whistler Transit System here.
BC Transit recognizes the large impact service disruptions have on the community. Together, the organization is working with the local government partner and the operating company, Whistler Transit Ltd., to rectify this issue and currently has a transit operator recruitment campaign underway.
BC Transit appreciates the patience of customers during this time, and apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause.
For the most up-to-date route and schedule information, please visit: bctransit.com/whistler.
For real-time bus track in the Whistler Transit System, customers are encouraged to use NextRide.
Media contact
BC Transit Communications
250-880-1303 | Media@bctransit.com