Winter weather and challenging driving conditions may be causing delays, detours, and possibly cancellations. We appreciate your patience.


Safety and Security

Safety is our first priority at BC Transit. We have been moving people safely in BC communities for over 100 years. BC Transit’s extensive safety program includes regulations and practical tips to keep you and BC Transit employees safe.

Safety Regulations

BC Transit’s safety and security practices uphold the British Columbia Transit Act and the Motor Vehicle Act.

British Columbia Transit Act, Transit Conduct and Safety Regulation

This Act covers issues such as driver assaults, fare evasion, vandalism, carrying of weapons, and dangerous or prohibited goods, including open alcohol. Violations are subject to fines or criminal charges

BC Motor Vehicle Act

This Act includes the requirement for vehicles to yield to BC Transit buses and other rules of operation.

Safety Tips

  • Wait on the sidewalk by the bus stop sign, away from the road.
  • Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop and the door opens all the way before boarding.
  • Never run after or hit the bus when it is moving.
  • Customers may board only at designated bus stops. Please do not put your safety at risk trying to board a bus that is in mid-traffic. While in traffic, your transit driver cannot safely let you on or off the bus.
  • The Bus is a Safe Place: Transit drivers can contact local police, ambulance and other emergency services. Transit drivers are also trained to assist a child or adult in need. Tell the driver if you are concerned about your safety.
  • If you have difficulty boarding, please tell your transit driver that you need time to get to the first available seat.
  • You may have questions for your driver about transit service. Please remember that safety is our main concern and lengthy conversations can distract the driver.
  • Always use handrails and stanchions.
  • When the bus is crowded, please move to the back of the bus so that the driver’s visibility isn’t blocked by passengers.
  • Please do not stand in the doorways. This is for your safety and so customers can quickly enter and exit the bus.
  • Be safe and be seen. When the sun sets, it becomes difficult for transit drivers to see you at bus stops, especially along unlit roads. Wear light coloured clothing, wear a reflective strip or use a flashlight or the light from your mobile phone to signal the driver that you are at the stop.
  • Keep your personal items under your control at all times.
  • Hold on to all parcels, luggage and sporting equipment when on the bus.
  • Request a Stop: Customers who feel that their personal safety is at risk can ask their driver to stop between regular bus stops. Ask your transit driver at least one bus stop ahead of where you wish to get off. You will be let off at a safe location closest to your request. Please contact your local transit system for details.
  • Check to be sure you have all your belongings with you – and don’t forget your bike if you used the bike rack!
  • Be careful when stepping onto the curb or street.
  • To cross the street, go to the nearest crosswalk or corner and wait for the bus to leave.

Security Tips

  • Always be alert.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and those around you. It is easy to tune everything out while on your phone or listening to music.
  • Plan your journey in advance. Know where you are going and which bus you need.
  • Check the bus schedule so you’re aware of the last scheduled bus.
  • Have your ticket, pass or change ready in your hand so that your purse or wallet is out of sight.
  • Keep your bag zipped and your valuables secure.
  • If you feel concerned about your safety on the bus, sit near the front or inform the driver.
  • Wait for a bus in a well-lit area.
  • If you find a sharp object on the bus, do not handle it – notify the driver.

Safety Requirements

Interior Lighting

The transit driver may turn some interior lights off when the bus is in motion to ensure the driver’s visibility.

Poor weather conditions

Rain, ice and snow present challenges in our bus zones. Take extra precaution when entering and exiting the bus. Due to road conditions, buses may not be able to pull right into the curb. In extreme weather conditions please check with your local transit website to verify service is operating, particularly on routes that may have steep or mountainous sections.

Instructions from BC Transit staff

For your safety and all those on board, please follow all instructions from transit staff.

At the scene of an incident

If you witness an incident or accident, please leave your contact information with the driver prior to leaving the bus.

Safer Public Transit

It’s the law. Threatening or assaulting a transit operator could result in more serious criminal charges and longer jail terms.

The first concern of transit operators is to ensure the safety of their passengers. Unfortunately, occasionally drivers themselves face violent assaults and intimidation. On March 2015, Bill S-221, amended the Criminal Code to address assaults against public transit operators.

CUTA Media Release

Security Cameras

Photo from Victoria Times-Colonist 2015

BC Transit is installing closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras on buses across the province. The CCTV cameras helps deter inappropriate behavior on buses and provides another tool for investigation if an incident occurs.

Video and audio recording equipment is being installed on 376 conventional buses (27 feet and longer) in the current fleet, acquired in 2006 and later. All new medium-duty and heavy-duty conventional buses will have the equipment ready-installed upon delivery.

The installation of the CCTV cameras follows a proof-of-concept period in Victoria and Kamloops in 2015-16. The proof-of-concept showed that the cameras provide a positive benefit to enhance security and safety including evidence to ensure successful conclusions for security investigations.

Click here for more information about the expansion project:

Frequently Asked Questions

Information is collected under authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

If you have questions about the collection of this information, contact BC Transit:

BC Transit, c/o FOI Requests
PO Box 610, 520 Gorge Road East
Victoria, BC V8W 2P3