Route 31: Nazko

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Direction:  Clockwise

Schedule Printing Tips

In your web browser's Print Properties dialogue window:

  1. Set the Layout option to Portrait.
    • On some routes with a large number of timing points, you may need to set the Layout to Landscape and/or adjust the Scale setting to 90% (or lower).
  2. Set the Margins option to Minimum.
  3. Disable the option to print the Page Header and Footer.

Trip Notes

a - Trip operates on the last Wednesday of each month.|Trip operates Wednesday only.

Route Via Trip Notes Quesnel: Nazko Band Office Nazko Quesnel: Nazko Band Office
31 a 07:00 AM 08:22 AM --
31 a -- 08:30 AM 10:00 AM
31 a 04:00 PM 05:22 PM --
31 a -- 05:30 PM 07:00 PM

Next Scheduled Bus

The bus stop ID is a six digit number that can be found on the bus stop sign or on Google Maps.