How to Pay

Visit the Fares section for current fare products, prices, and vender locations.

Fare Checks

Please present the correct fare when asked by transit staff. Failure to present valid proof of payment while on transit may result in a fine:

Please be courteous when your driver checks your fare—it is part of their job.

Registered Programs


The CNIB National Identification Card is valid for unlimited travel on all scheduled fixed-route services (excluding handyDART). The pass is available to medically blind individuals as determined by the CNIB criteria. Visit CNIB for more information.

Government of BC Bus Pass Program

An annual bus pass is available for low-income seniors and persons with disabilities, providing unlimited access on any scheduled (conventional) BC Transit bus. To qualify for the BC Bus Pass Program, you must be receiving one of the following:

  • Federal Old Age Security (OAS) and Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
  • Spouses Allowance to Old Age Security
  • Over 65 years would quality for OAS and GIS except having less than 10 years residency in Canada
  • Income Assistance (60–64 years)
  • Income Assistance for persons with a disability

For more information contact:

BC Bus Pass Program
PO Box 9950, Station Provincial Government
Victoria, BC V8W 9R3

Call toll free: 1-866-866-0800

The BC Bus Pass office can be accessed by email. Visit the BC Bus Pass Program website and check out the Frequently Asked Questions.

Promotions and Incentives

Tax Exemption

You do not pay tax when you purchase your transit fare. Transit fares are exempt from federal and provincial tax.

Visit the Fares regional link section to see what products are available in your area, and where to purchase tickets and passes.

Every time you take transit, you help fund your local transit system. One hundred per cent of the money received from fares goes back into maintaining and improving the system.

Go with Umo

Umo allows you to select the best payment method and fare product for your lifestyle and travel habits. Learn more.

Start using Umo