Winter weather and challenging driving conditions may be causing delays, detours, and possibly cancellations. We appreciate your patience.


Bus Etiquette

To help make the transit experience pleasant and comfortable, please be courteous and respectful of your driver and fellow passengers.

We encourage you to follow these simple suggestions while travelling with BC Transit:

  • Although BC Transit serves everyone on a first-to-board basis, we extend a special thank you to our customers who give up their seats for people with disabilities or mobility challenges. Courtesy seating, located at the front of the bus, meets the needs of all transit customers, and is especially vital to:
    • Customers who use scooters, wheelchairs, pediatric strollers or other mobility aids
    • Customers with a disability or mobility issue
    • Customers with baby strollers
  • Do not stand in the doorways. This is for your safety and so customers can quickly enter and exit the bus. Please stand behind the red or yellow lines.
  • When the bus is full, please move to the back of the bus to accommodate as many passengers as possible.
  • Seats are for customers, not bags, feet or wet umbrellas. Please allow others to make use of the seats. Place and hold your bag on your lap or on the floor where it will not obstruct the aisles or other customers.
  • We appreciate your help in keeping the bus clean. Take your garbage with you when you leave.
  • Be mindful of your belongings as you walk through the bus — you may be accidentally bumping into other customers as you pass.
  • A bus ride is a great time to listen to music, but please be considerate — loud music coming from a headset can bother others.
  • Please keep your in-person and cell phone conversations at a reasonable sound level
  • Try not to get involved and engage in confrontations.

Your Guide to Accessibility

Information and guidelines to enable safe accessible ridership.