Schedules and Maps

System Overview

Direction:   To Bella Coola To Glacierview

Schedule Printing Tips

In your web browser’s Print Properties dialogue window:

  1. Set the Layout option to Portrait.
    • On some routes with a large number of timing points, you may need to set the Layout to Landscape and/or adjust the Scale setting to 90% (or lower).
  2. Set the Margins option to Minimum.
  3. Disable the option to print the Page Header and Footer.

Trip Notes

Service to Firvale by request.

Lv. GlacierviewJourdenaisHagensborgAr. Bella Coola
7:45 AM----8:30 AM
--9:45 AM--10:45 AM
----12:00 PM12:30 PM
--3:20 PM--3:45 PM
--4:45 PM--5:15 PM

Trip Notes

Service to Firvale by request.

Lv. Bella CoolaHagensborgJourdenaisAr. Glacierview
8:35 AM--9:30 AM9:40 AM
11:30 AM12:00 PM----
2:15 PM--3:20 PM--
3:45 PM--4:45 PM--
5:30 PM----6:15 PM

Rider's Guide

The Rider's Guide includes schedules, maps, fares and a summary of transit services in your area.