BC Transit and the City of Kamloops will help mark the 27th annual Boogie the Bridge by offering free transit to all those taking part in the event on April 28, 2024.
Free transit and handyDART service will be provided to participants in the 5K, 10K or half marathon as well as any volunteers or those with accreditation for the event.
For more information on Boogie the Bridge, click here.
We encourage our customers to use the UMO app, Transit App, Google Transit or any other app of their choice for real-time bus tracking and planning your next transit journey.
Minor detours will be in effect for Routes 1 Tranquille, Route 2 Parkcrest and Route 3 Westsyde in the event area. For information regarding impacts to transit, trip planning, fares, and schedules, click here.
Media Contacts
BC Transit Communications