Route 2: Blackpool

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Direction:  Clockwise

Schedule Printing Tips

In your web browser's Print Properties dialogue window:

  1. Set the Layout option to Portrait.
    • On some routes with a large number of timing points, you may need to set the Layout to Landscape and/or adjust the Scale setting to 90% (or lower).
  2. Set the Margins option to Minimum.
  3. Disable the option to print the Page Header and Footer.
Route Via Buy Low Foods Greer at Mountainview Brookfield Mall Jenkins and Ford Brookfield Mall Buy Low Foods
2 08:55 AM 09:02 AM 09:12 AM 09:19 AM 09:25 AM 09:32 AM
2 01:10 PM -- 01:17 PM 01:24 PM 01:30 PM 01:37 PM
2 04:05 PM 04:12 PM 04:22 PM 04:29 PM 04:35 PM 04:42 PM

Next Scheduled Bus

The bus stop ID is a six digit number that can be found on the bus stop sign or on Google Maps.

Stop #157007

  • No scheduled stops
  • No scheduled stops