Winter weather and challenging driving conditions may be causing delays, detours, and possibly cancellations. We appreciate your patience.


Voice of the Rider Panel

BC Transit believes that in order to understand our riders and prospective riders better, we need to move a step closer to your community and make you a part of important business decisions. Our Voice of the Rider panel is an effort to drive community engagement on every project we undertake, understand the satisfaction levels of our riders, and take recommendations and suggestions to improve the overall transit experience.

Who can participate?

Anyone who is a BC Transit rider or lives in a community where BC Transit operates, and is willing to share ideas to improve public transit in British Columbia

How can you make your opinion count?

Register – with a valid email address

Here you will find a series of projects that are classified as:

  • Featured – open for feedback

  • Ongoing – closed for feedback

  • Completed – change implemented

  • Upcoming – will become available for feedback at a future date

What kind of public engagement projects are listed?

  • Engagements Projects related to new routes, new schedules, service hours, infrastructure proposals, stop level improvements

  • Periodic Rider Satisfaction and Market Surveys

How will you know if your opinions are being considered?

  • You will be able to see the project from the beginning until the end

  • All the related reports are made available for the panel to review

How will you be notified about any projects that are open for the Voice of the Rider panel?

  • You will be notified by email whenever a new project becomes open for panel review

How often will you receive communication to participate?

  • You will receive at most two engagement projects per month

How long does it take to complete surveys?

  • The surveys may take around 5 to 10 minutes to complete

Do you need to participate in all engagement projects?

  • It is completely at your discretion to be a part of a project or not. If you think that a project will affect you or the community around you we recommend participating

Will you be rewarded for your feedback?

  • There is a chance to win a $100 gift card every time you agree to participate on a project. Two gift cards to be won every month.

For any further clarification, please feel free to contact us:


We need your suggestions to make your transit experience better!

Click to Register - button V2

Login here if you have already registered in any of our earlier engagements.