Types of Transit Future Plans

Depending on the community and its specific needs, a plan can take a variety of different forms…

25-Year Transit Future Plan:

A Transit Future Plan envisions what a community’s transit network should look like 25 years from now. Beginning by analyzing the existing system, the Plan describes and prioritizes infrastructure and service level investments needed in the short range, medium and longer term. A Transit Future Plan is normally completed in conjunction with a supporting Service and/or Fare Review.

Service Review:

A Service Review comprehensively analyzes all services within an existing transit system and makes recommendations to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. While considering longer term land use and population growth, these reviews focus on the priorities, infrastructure and investment needed within a three to five year term. A Service Review is normally completed in conjunction with a supporting Fare Review. In larger systems, a Service Review may be undertaken to complement a 25-year Transit Future Plan in order to provide further service option information.

Feasibility Study:

A Feasibility Study assesses service viability to a new area, usually on behalf of a local government that is not already a funding partner.

Transit Future Infrastructure and Major Projects:

Infrastructure and major projects are significant investments in transit such as customer facilities, operating facilities, and transit priority measures. They support and are required for implementing Transit Future Plans.

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