Winter weather is causing increased traffic on our alerts website and may lead to delays, detours, or cancellations. For route and service info, visit the "Contact" page. We appreciate your patience.


Types of Plans

Transit Future Plan

Outlook: 25 years
A Transit Future Plan envisions what a community’s transit network should look like in 25 years. The plan begins by analyzing the system at its current state. Then, it describes and prioritizes what is needed in short, medium, and long terms. The plan intends to support planned land use in the region that will increase the use of transit and other sustainable modes of transportation. A Transit Future Plan is the guiding principle used to determine what services, infrastructure, and investments are needed to meet the goals of the system. At least two rounds of public engagement is expected with these plans.

Transit Future Action Plan

Outlook: 3-5 years
For transit systems that have a Transit Future Plan in place, this shorter plan is created to revisit goals and priorities and make updates and recommendations as required. Transit Future Action Plans provide several defined service improvements for implementation over the next three to five years. They ensure that transit improvement priorities are consistent with local priorities, emerging transit trends and demands, and BC Transit’s capacity. One round of public engagement is always expected with these plans, and special cases may support more.

Transit Future Service Plan

Outlook: 3-5 years
For transit systems that have not completed a Transit Future Plan, this plan provides an analysis of a transit system or specific area. It suggests goals and priorities for service changes over the next 3-5 years. The Transit Future Service Plan includes an evaluation of the system and route performance. It provides discussion on targeted improvements, optimization strategies for service, and infrastructure improvements. One round of public engagement is always expected with these plans, and special cases may support more.

Service Review

Outlook: 3-5 years
A Service Review analyzes all services within an existing transit system and makes recommendations to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. These reviews consider longer term land use and population growth trends. They focus on the priorities, infrastructure, and investment needed in the next three to five years. These typically do not involve public engagement, but this may be included in special cases.

Service Discussion Document

Outlook: 2-12 months
A service discussion document is used to review smaller parts of a transit system such as the introduction of a new route or infrastructure changes that require a change to existing routes. In some cases, service level adjustments require further analysis and can be supported by such a document. Public engagement is rarely a part of this process but may be included.

Feasibility Study

A Feasibility Study assesses service viability to a new area, usually on behalf of a local government that is not already a funding partner.

Inter-regional Post Implementation Review

This comprehensive review will evaluate the performance of a recently introduced interregional transit route. This review includes one round of public engagement typically done on-board the bus.