Announcement from BC Transit Board of Directors Chair Catherine Holt

Effective October 1, 2024, BC Transit will cease the sale of legacy 10 Single Ride Ticket, Adult, Student/Senior and Post-Secondary Monthly Pass, and Semester Pass fare products for fixed-route transit services in the Comox Valley Regional Transit System in favour of convenient Umo enabled alternatives.

Fixed-route fare products sold effective October 1, 2024.

Cash Balance$2.00
Onboard DayPASS$4.00
Digital DayPASS$4.00
30-Day Pass – Adult$55.00
30 Day Pass – Concession$35.00
Student Semester Pass$115.00
Dual 30-Day Pass – Adult$60.00
Dual 30-Day Pass – Concession$40.00
Post-Secondary Dual Semester Pass$130.00

Fare products can be loaded in the Umo app, to a reloadable Umo card in-person through a BC Transit Umo retail vendor, online at, or through Umo customer service at 877-380-8181.

Cash and the Province of British Columbia’s BC Bus Pass will continue to be accepted. Legacy tickets and pass fare products will be accepted until used up. BC Transit will continue to sell 10 Ticket and Monthly handyDART Pass fare products for handyDART services without change.

Riders are invited to visit for more information on fare products and payment methods, including the Umo Mobility app and reloadable Umo card.

Media Contacts

BC Transit Communications