Community Name Transit System
100 Mile House 100 Mile House
103 Mile House 100 Mile House
108 Mile House 100 Mile House
150 Mile House Williams Lake
Abbotsford Central Fraser Valley
Aberdeen Kamloops
Agassiz Agassiz-Harrison
Ainsworth Hot Springs West Kootenay
Akisqunuk Village Columbia Valley
Aldergrove Central Fraser Valley
Argenta West Kootenay
Armstrong Vernon
Ashcroft Ashcroft-Cache Creek-Clinton
Balfour West Kootenay
Balfour Ferry West Kootenay
Barnhartvale Kamloops
Barriere Clearwater
Batchelor Heights Kamloops
Bella Coola Bella Coola Valley
Birch Island Clearwater
Black Creek Comox Valley
Black Mountain Kelowna
Blackpool Clearwater
Blewitt West Kootenay
Blind Bay Shuswap
Blue River Clearwater
Boundary Boundary
Bowser Nanaimo
Brackendale Squamish
Brentwood Bay Victoria
Brocklehurst Kamloops
Buckley Bay Comox Valley
Bulkley-Nechako Bulkley-Nechako
Burt Bridge Bella Coola Valley
Cache Creek Ashcroft-Cache Creek-Clinton
Campbell River Campbell River
Canal Flats Columbia Valley
Canoe Shuswap
Castlegar West Kootenay
Central Fraser Valley Central Fraser Valley
Charlie Lake Fort St. John
Chase Kamloops
Chemainus Cowichan Valley
Chilliwack Chilliwack
Clearwater Clearwater
Clinton Ashcroft-Cache Creek-Clinton
Coal Harbour Mount Waddington
Cobble Hill Cowichan Valley
Coldstream Vernon
Columbia Valley Columbia Valley
Colwood Victoria
Comox Comox Valley
Comox Valley Comox Valley
Courtenay Comox Valley
Cowichan Bay Cowichan Valley
Cowichan Valley Cowichan Valley
Cranbrook Cranbrook
Crawford Kelowna
Creston Creston Valley
Creston Valley Creston Valley
Crofton Cowichan Valley
Cultus Lake Chilliwack
Cumberland Comox Valley
Dallas Kamloops
Dawson Creek Dawson Creek
Decker Lake Bulkley-Nechako
Deep Bay Nanaimo
Deep Creek Shuswap
Duncan Cowichan Valley
Duncan Lake Bulkley-Nechako
Eagle Bay Shuswap
Edgewater Columbia Valley
Edgewood West Kootenay
Eholt Boundary
Elk Valley Elk Valley
Elkford Elk Valley
Endako Bulkley-Nechako
Enderby Vernon
Erickson Creston Valley
Esquimalt Victoria
Fairmont Hot Springs Columbia Valley
Fanny Bay Comox Valley
Fernie Elk Valley
Fernwood Dock Salt Spring Island
Firvale Bella Coola Valley
Fort Fraser Bulkley-Nechako
Fort Rupert Mount Waddington
Fort St. John Fort St. John
Four Mile House Bella Coola Valley
Fraser Lake Bulkley-Nechako
Fruitvale West Kootenay
Fulford Salt Spring Island
Gallagher’s Canyon Kelowna
Ganges Village Salt Spring Island
Garibaldi Highlands Squamish
Genoa Bay Cowichan Valley
Gibsons Sunshine Coast
Gitanmaax Hazeltons
Gitaus Skeena
Gitsegukla Hazeltons
Glacierview Bella Coola Valley
Glen Vowell Hazeltons
Glenora Cowichan Valley
Golden Cranbrook
Gower Point Sunshine Coast
Grand Forks Boundary
Greendale Chilliwack
Greenwood Boundary
Grouse Mountain Creston Valley
Hagensborg Bella Coola Valley
Hagwilget Hazeltons
Halfmoon Bay Sunshine Coast
Harrison Hot Springs Agassiz-Harrison
Hatzic Central Fraser Valley
Hazelton Hazeltons
Hedley South Okanagan-Similkameen
Highway 16 Highway 16
Honeymoon Bay Cowichan Valley
Hope Hope
Houston Bulkley-Nechako
Hyde Creek Mount Waddington
Invermere Columbia Valley
Juniper Ridge Kamloops
Kaleden South Okanagan-Similkameen
Kamloops Kamloops
Kaslo West Kootenay
Kelowna Kelowna
Keremeos South Okanagan-Similkameen
Kimberley Kimberley
Kispiox Hazeltons
Kitamaat Village Skeena
Kitchener Creston Valley
Kitimat Kitimat
Kitsumkalum Skeena
Kootenay Boundary West Kootenay
Lac La Hache 100 Mile House
Ladysmith Cowichan Valley
Lake Country Kelowna
Lake Cowichan Cowichan Valley
Lakeview Heights Kelowna
Langford Victoria
Lantzville Nanaimo
Lillooet Kamloops
Logan Lake Merritt
Long Harbour Salt Spring Island
Lower Mission Kelowna
Lower Nicola Merritt
Lumby Vernon
Lund Powell River
Lytton Kamloops
Maple Bay Cowichan Valley
Marysville Kimberley
Matsqui Village Central Fraser Valley
Merritt Merritt
Merville Comox Valley
Metchosin Victoria
Mill Bay Cowichan Valley
Mission Central Fraser Valley
Moricetown Hazeltons
Mount Waddington Mount Waddington
Mt Currie Pemberton Valley
Nakusp West Kootenay
Nakusp Hot Springs West Kootenay
Nanaimo Nanaimo
Nanoose Nanaimo
Naramata South Okanagan-Similkameen
Nautley Bulkley-Nechako
Nazko Quesnel
Nelson West Kootenay
New Denver West Kootenay
New Hazelton Hazeltons
New Remo Skeena
North Shore Kamloops
Oak Bay Victoria
Oak Hills Kamloops
Okanagan Falls South Okanagan-Similkameen
Oliver South Okanagan-Similkameen
Osoyoos South Okanagan-Similkameen
Oyama Kelowna
Oyster River Campbell River
Parksville Nanaimo
Passmore West Kootenay
Peachland Kelowna
Pemberton Pemberton Valley
Pemberton Valley Pemberton Valley
Penticton South Okanagan-Similkameen
Poplar Grove South Okanagan-Similkameen
Port Alberni Port Alberni
Port Edward Port Edward
Port Hardy Mount Waddington
Port McNeill Mount Waddington
Powell River Powell River
Prince George Prince George
Prince Rupert Prince Rupert
Princeton South Okanagan-Similkameen
Promontory Chilliwack
Quail Ridge Kelowna
Qualicum Beach Nanaimo
Quesnel Quesnel
Quick Bulkley-Nechako
Radium Hot Springs Columbia Valley
Rayleigh Kamloops
Revelstoke Revelstoke
Roberts Creek Sunshine Coast
Rosedale Chilliwack
Rossland West Kootenay
Royal Oak Victoria
Royston Comox Valley
Saanich Victoria
Saanichton Victoria
Sahali Kamloops
Salmo West Kootenay
Salmon Arm Shuswap
Salt Spring Island Salt Spring Island
Saltery Bay Powell River
Sardis Chilliwack
Savona Kamloops
Sea to Sky Sea To Sky
Sechelt Sunshine Coast
Shawnigan Cowichan Valley
Shelter Point Powell River
Shuswap Shuswap
Sicamous Kamloops
Sidney Victoria
Silverton West Kootenay
Six Mile West Kootenay
Skeena Skeena
Sliammon Powell River
Slocan West Kootenay
Smithers Smithers
Sooke Victoria
Sorrento Shuswap
South Hazelton Hazeltons
South Okanagan South Okanagan-Similkameen
Southgate Kamloops
Sparwood Elk Valley
Squamish Squamish
Stellaquo Bulkley-Nechako
Storey’s Beach Mount Waddington
Summerland South Okanagan-Similkameen
Summit Lake West Kootenay
Sunshine Coast Sunshine Coast
Taylor Fort St. John
Telkwa Bulkley-Nechako
Terrace Terrace
Texada Powell River
Tintagel Bulkley-Nechako
Tofino West Coast
Topley Bulkley-Nechako
Trail West Kootenay
Trout Creek South Okanagan-Similkameen
Two Mile Hazeltons
Ucluelet West Coast
Union Bay Comox Valley
Upper Mission Kelowna
Valenby Clearwater
Valleycliffe Squamish
Valleyview – Rosehill Kamloops
Vananda Powell River
Vanderhoof Bulkley-Nechako
Vernon Vernon
Vesuvius Salt Spring Island
Victoria Victoria
View Royal Victoria
Village of Telkwa Smithers
Wells Quesnel
West Bench South Okanagan-Similkameen
West Creston Creston Valley
West Kelowna Kelowna
West Kootenay West Kootenay
Westbank Kelowna
Western Communities Victoria
Westsyde Kamloops
Wet’suwet’en Bulkley-Nechako
Whistler Whistler
Williams Lake Williams Lake
Windermere Columbia Valley
Winfield Kelowna
Winlaw West Kootenay
Woss Mount Waddington
Wycliffe Kimberley
Wynndel Creston Valley
Xit’Olacw Pemberton Valley
Yarrow Chilliwack
Youbou Cowichan Valley